
How To Get Rid Of Ants

Understanding the Enemy 

Before launching your attack, it’s essential to understand your foe. Not all ants are created equal. Some common household ants include:

Garden ants: These sweet-toothed critters are often found in kitchens. and garden

  • Carpenter ants: These wood-loving pests can cause structural damage.
  • Pharaoh ants: Small and light-colored, these ants often infest buildings.

Cutting Off the Supply Line

  • Cleanliness is key: Ants are attracted to food crumbs and spills. Wipe down counters, floors, and stovetops regularly.
  • Secure your trash: Keep your trash cans tightly sealed to prevent access to food scraps.
  • Dishwashing duties: Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight, as food residue can attract ants.

Create a Hostile Environment

  • Diatomaceous earth: This natural substance is deadly to insects. Sprinkle it around entry points and ant trails.
  • Follow the trail: Ants leave scent trails to guide their colony. Follow the trail to locate the nest.
  • Professional help: For persistent or large infestations, consider contacting a pest control professional.